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Soul-zapping beliefs that paralyze you from making  life changes are living in your cell tissue. 



This emotional backlog can often manifest as aches, pains, inflammation and injuries. 



And aches and pains are excellent distractors. 



They divert you from taking those life leaps that both excite and terrify you.



How you feel in your body will determine what is possible for you in your life!



After 18 years of teaching yoga, I’ve discovered the best ways to release these pain points and emotional ties so you can finally move the needle on your deepest desires.


In this 8 week virtual series you'll use 5 secret ingredients to shift your body and mindset:

  • Breath awareness

  • Mindset Mapping

  • Strength-based yoga

  • Soft tissue release (therapy ball work)

  • Joint stability and mobility moves


Your yoga practice is a straight-up reflection of how
you live your life.

Become strong and confident in your body so you can generate change with courage and resiliency…even in these shaky, chaotic times! 


In these 8 weeks you will:


  • Stand up taller

  • Feel supported in your joints

  • Be free of body aches

  • Learn how to heal your injuries

  • Feel emotionally lighter

  • Declare and commit to one life change

  • Create clear action steps for taking this leap

Awaken body blind spots

in 7 key areas:




  • As your main line of support, breath awareness is the key to moving out of the stress response and into "rest and digest".

  • Breathing while you move (on and off your mat) keeps you feeling into the present and less prone to injury.

  • Learn how to change the way you breathe to help transform your thoughts, emotions and body.




  • Daily core work will bolster your spine and improve your posture

  • Strengthen the deepest layers of your core to improve digestion and breathing.

  • Learn how to engage your abdominals to enhance stability and balance




  • Reverse stiffness from too much sitting with short practices you can easily fit into your day.

  • Learn hip stability moves which are crucial as you age.

  • Feel free in your pelvis so you can walk your path with ease


Shoulders, Upper Back & Chest


  • Release muscle tension with stretches and self massage

  • Reverse poor posture that wreaks your neck

  • Strengthen rotator cuff muscles which are common injury points.


Your Back Body


  • Create space in your spine with unique back traction moves.

  • Experience life changing butt-work for hip, leg and back pain.

  • Target core muscles which are beyond the superficial layers and start to heal lower back issues.

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Our Action Plan

Sunday, Feb 18th- Friday, April 19th

* Series break March 17th-24th

2 Weekly Classes

live and recorded


8:30am-9:30am est


8:00am-9:00am est

Curriculum Overview

WEEKS 1-4 

Pruning & Shedding

  • the facades that stunt your growth

  • your struggle addiction

  • weak boundary setting

  • compost your unworthiness



Integration (Course Break)



Strength of Heart

  • Vulnerability is your greatest asset

  • Embody courage and worthiness

  • Take action!

5 Special Intensives

live and recorded

Every other weekend

10:00am-11:30am est

Dates: 2/18, 3/3, 3/16, 3/31, 4/14

Intensives combine physical therapy based moves, deep tissue work, and mindset mapping coupled with strength-based yoga

Exclusive Access

  • All class recordings will be at your fingertips to practice 24/7 until May 4th.

  • Practice at your own pace and repeat the classes you love most.

  • QUICK FIX PORTAL of short therapeutic sequences:

Neck Refresh

Dreamtime Prep

Hips in 30

Supportive Shoulders

Your Tool Kit

  • 2024 Clarity Spreadsheet to help you get crystal clear on exactly what you want to change.

  • Weekly Journal Prompts to get you outside of your box and inside the discomfort zone that drives lasting change. 

  • Therapy Balls (click here for list of all props needed)



Most yoga studio memberships start

at $350 for 2 months.


Imagine having a more customized yoga experience while saving money and from the comfort of your home.


Experience over 21 deeply healing yoga practices!

(less than $14/class)!

  • Body Electric: Payment Plan

    Every 2 weeks
    Two installments
    • All access to our 3 week yoga series
    • Access replays until March 2nd
    • BONUS: Thursday AM weekly class
  • Groundwork: Pay in Full

    one time payment
    • All access to our 8 week yoga series
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